Twin EM Repeater Assembly
EM Transeiver for Twin based EMMWD systems Twin EM Repeater offers: Extended EM Operation No complicated setup Unmatched Battery conservation No modifications required to use with existing Twin system Fluid independent, LCM tolerant Operator select-able frequency 2-10 Hz Two power modes; Economy, High Constant lithology compensation allows for extended battery life Low signal toRead More

Short Hop Module
Reliable, wireless in string communication Shop Hop technology offers: Reliable wireless communication for downhole components Low power consumption Supports multiple communication protocols No tool gap required for transmission Specifications Connection Kintec (standard) others available Max DLS Read More

Gamma / Inclination At Bit
Measurement and imaging while you drill, all at the bit At Bit technology offers: Shortest at bit technology available @20″ Can be combined with motor bit mandrel for embedded solution. Ideal for horizontal and directional drilling Improved well trajectory from reduced dogleg severity and well tortuosity Drilling efficiency evaluation Precision geosteering in thinly bedded reservoirsRead More

175c Gamma Probe
Gamma Module 175c offers: Positive Pulse or EM telemetry Integrated platform, software and hardware Seamless integration with Hunter Twin™ EM system Easy to maintain Built on the industry expandable Tensor platform Easy to use Whole rock or segment detector available Technologically advanced Low consumption electronics High reliability design Compatibility Designed and tested to be QbusRead More

Drill-Tek Advanced Centralizer Fin
This fin will save you money in replacement costs and reduce or eliminate damage caused by shock and vibration from ERD tools

Drill-Tek Bottom End (Helix / Plenum / UBHO)
The Drill-Tek Bottom end will power through LCM, allow lock down yet retrievability while using ERD tools, engineered to be the most reliable in the industry with over a decade of field use internationally.

Twin Telemetry EM/MP MWD
True Twin™ operation, allowing mud pulse and EM to send information simultaneously Software runs on existing computers and rig floor displays Unmatched Battery conservation No modifications required to existing MWD

Wireless Surface Receiver / Display Unit
Reliable decoding of positive pulse MWD signals. Advanced filters and signal processing, wireless setup in an easy to read, industrial certified rig floor display.

Replacement Parts
We carry in stock a large inventory of all the replacement parts required to keep your MWD system drilling.

175c MWD System
Drill-Tek has been supplying, supporting full MWD systems for over ten years. Our constant attention to detail and in depth knowledge of these systems has allowed us to become the provider of choice for many companies all over the world. Utilizing next generation electronics and thinking we are constantly adding components and tools to make drilling more efficient and profitable for the end user.